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View Full Version : Newbie concerns about letters of approval

Stephen B. McCartney
04-02-2005, 09:41 PM
Greetings! This is my first post. Having gone through the MKS
fiasco and losing a welded M14 receiver (semiaut only) I am concerned
about semiauto Brens and their owners. Not to rehash the MKS situation,
I will mention that the Kelleys used someone else's letter of appro-
val from the then BATF. Such a letter only applies to the individual
whose name is on the letter and is not a blanket approval for
anyone else. I fear that this may occur again, but with the semi-
auto Brens. I urge individuals to seek their own letters of approval
by writing the BATFE tech branch. Better 37 cents in postage, then to
receive a message from the BATFE! I know how it feels, and so do
about 298 other former MKS welded receiver owners.

04-03-2005, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the advise and it is really good advise to get something like this in support of your weapon or be prepaired to take the BATFE to court if they later decide to challange your firearm.

Now, I would love more details on these M14s if anybody can share more about this... When did this happen? Was the issue that the BATFE said the M14 receivers were not Demilled properly before building as semiautos, ... anything else?