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View Full Version : I want & need your oppinions -- PLEASE READ!

03-25-2005, 11:06 AM

No New Moves are planned


You guys have been the most active group on the website and I really need and want your oppinions as well as opinions of anybody that has been visiting the site!

I have been having HUGE problems with forums on a number of other website that use this same forum code. I believe much of the problems I have been having were due to a cheap host (Where the websites and Database is held) and this website does not suffer from that problem as I this website is on a much more expensive and secure hosting location...

In an attempt to fix the problems I have been having with my other websites I am consolidating all of my other forums into a central forum. I am just starting the process but you can see the start here...


Yea, the layout needs some work but I only bought the domain, set up the MYSQL database, and purchased the forum software 36-hrs ago and I had a ton of information that needed to be saved before I had any additional loss due to crashed databases...

The new website is with a very robust host that is actually cheaper then this host but they give me very powerful backup and security features so that I can monitor who is doing what, when, and where...

So anyways, the question is... should I move the forums that are on this website to that new community? If I do so, I will actually try to directly import all of the data in these forums into the new website including member information if I can...

This is a big decision as the forums seem to be stable here and the software that we are using here is decent but the software at the new site has a TON of additional features that are really nice...

Please let me know what your oppinions are as I feel you guys that come here are the real owners of the place... I am just the guy that got things setup for you all!

Please play with the new forums and advise if we should combine all the forums... and I can then look to see if I can upload all the forums right here at Quarterbore.com or just how I can make it work...

Lastly as long as the forums here remain stable, I will not do this without your feedback! If I have any hint that this bard is having similar problems as I have seen with M9Bayonet.com Buck-184.com MustangReview.com Lathetalk.com, etc .... expect the move the same day!

OH YEA... Here is a link that gives you an idea what things might look like when it is running... It is the info from M9Bayonet.com, Buck-184.com, and M7Bayonet.com all combined into one area....


Also, I do own the domain eazyforums.com... I needed to buy a new domain to test things out... It may be possible that the forums can come here!

03-28-2005, 07:03 PM
I'm all for the upgrade if we can import the databases intact... If we have to move them by hand again I'll abstain from voting ;) ... Eitherway, Let me know if you need help moving the posts by hand again!


03-28-2005, 10:09 PM
Thanks Buddy!!!

No, I made darned sure that I have a good backup of the database and I have verified that the new forums will allow me to import all the forums, posts, members, etc. Th emore I play with the new program the more I have grown to really like it!

The program we are moving to is the same software that drives AR15.com, AK-47.net, GlockTalk.com, and UZITALK.com... That is some of the biggest and best gun forums on the web and all the reference I need to justify the move!

I have requested that a couple of my domains get transfered to this new host (M9Bayonet.com and LatheTalk.com). I am going to get those two running as those two websites were with a really crappy host and I am really angry at them for changing things on me that caused a huge number of my websites to crash over a three day period.

This forum is sound and it is with a great host! I will not be moving Quarterbore.com BUT I AM PRETTY SURE that I will be merging the user base and all of the posts that are here to the new forums at EazyForums.com. I may well get rid of that "EazyForums" domain name as it was a $20 investment that gave me a place to screw around for a few days but people are finding the new domain...

Thanks for the feedback - - I appreciate it!

03-29-2005, 11:47 AM
It is no longer a secret... Here is the new forums!!!


I will work on merging all the forums as soon as I can!

04-07-2005, 12:10 AM
Well, less you never read the thread from a couple weeks back... this was the thread that introduced the new site!