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View Full Version : Converting SIG 551 SWAT to .300 Whisper

03-23-2005, 04:00 AM
I am planning on having my SIG 551 SWAT converted to fire the .300 Whisper round, but I need to know some things about it before I do.
Since the SIG does have an adjustable gas vault, I guess this wil not be the biggest problem.
The only thing I am wondering about is if I need to have my bolt replaced by another model.
I guess if an ar 15 bolt doesn't need to be replaced, a 551 bolt won't have to be replaced either.

Anyone here who can help me out? :)

03-23-2005, 10:47 AM
I'm not familiar with the Sig 551, but if it is in .223/5.56, the bolt should be fine, as the .300 uses the same case head. In fact, you can make .300 brass from .223.


03-23-2005, 03:55 PM
I'm not familiar with the Sig 551, but if it is in .223/5.56, the bolt should be fine, as the .300 uses the same case head. In fact, you can make .300 brass from .223.


So the only things I should have to replace would be the Barrel and the gas vault? :D :D :D