11-09-2009, 12:54 PM
Hi Guys,
Mentioned that I finally got cases that would fit the cartridge gauge and chamber in the rifle. Required using a small base .223 sizing die before forming the neck of the case with a FL 300/221 sizing die.
I loaded a few rounds of one fella's subsonic recipe for 147 FMJ BTs ... 8.3 gr of H110 (WW296).
Rounds chambered easily. After firing w the gas system closed the cases extracted easily with just the charging handle.
Interestingly, the shoulder was not fireformed with this combination.
What is a minimum kind of load that will fireform cases?
Mentioned that I finally got cases that would fit the cartridge gauge and chamber in the rifle. Required using a small base .223 sizing die before forming the neck of the case with a FL 300/221 sizing die.
I loaded a few rounds of one fella's subsonic recipe for 147 FMJ BTs ... 8.3 gr of H110 (WW296).
Rounds chambered easily. After firing w the gas system closed the cases extracted easily with just the charging handle.
Interestingly, the shoulder was not fireformed with this combination.
What is a minimum kind of load that will fireform cases?