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View Full Version : Best Way To Make .300 Whisper Brass From .223 Hands Down!!!

10-13-2009, 10:16 PM
I found this on youtube. This guy has got it goin on! Only prob is now I want one! but where can I get a "trim die" to use with that Dillon rapid trim:machinegu????


10-14-2009, 12:45 AM
Looks a lot like my set-up only I have a PW motor on mine and I use a universal decapping die to ensure the primer crimp gets taken care of.

CH4D makes the trim die. $50-60 if I remember.

11-01-2009, 10:03 PM
Damn it that's cheating!

I like it!


11-04-2009, 06:52 AM
Depends a little on what reloader you are using. On my Dillon 550, the tool head is too thick for a cut down Dillon 308 trim die to suck chips out. Same for a C-H die. They may work on some single presses. ADillon 7.62x39 Rapid Trim will allow room on a 550 tool head to suck chips out. The 7.62x39 die needs to be shortened for a little to trim the whisper to right length too.

11-04-2009, 11:33 AM
What modifications are needed to get a 1050 shaft to spin around like that?

11-05-2009, 06:01 PM
What modifications are needed to get a 1050 shaft to spin around like that?

Looking at the video, I don't see the main shaft (holding the die head) moving other than up and down. The cases appear to be being indexed via movement of the shell plate as per normal with the 1050. (1050 is a GREAT press if you're loading ammo which does not require the accuracy/consistency of weighted charges.)

11-10-2009, 11:39 AM
I am not talking about the main vertical shaft I meant the horizontal shaft that normally has the handle attached. The shaft it's self looks to be different and the cam linkages that attach it to the main shaft must be different too. I would like to know how he modified that one as it would make automating a 1050 much easier.

11-10-2009, 03:19 PM
There is two different versions of the 1050. The RL-1050 and the Super 1050.

PW makes a power unit which is what I have.

11-10-2009, 10:18 PM
There is two different versions of the 1050. The RL-1050 and the Super 1050.

PW makes a power unit which is what I have.

The Ponsness Warren Auto-Drive simulates the normal puling of the handle with a link system; the press in the video, is modified so the shaft turns a full revolution for each cycle. This would make it much easier to automate because you would not need a link shaft like the PW uses.

11-15-2009, 01:25 PM
This would make it much easier to automate because you would not need a link shaft like the PW uses.

Only if you have a RL1050. The way Dillon redid the bellcrank linkage on the Super 1050, the type of motor in the video wont work.

The PW motor will work on either 1050.

02-15-2010, 04:18 PM
I have a Dillon XL650. I plan to buy a Dillon RT-1200. Will using the "CH4D Dillon Trim Die for .300 Whisper" still allow the use of the vacuum attachment?

Thank you

02-15-2010, 06:38 PM
To use the Dillon trimmer with the C-H trim die will require that you machine the toolhead for that one station to half its original thickness. Otherwise the trimmer can't be adjusted down enough to trim the 223 case down to 1.355.
You can also use the Dillon trimmer on a single stage press but you have to use the C-H shell holder extender. That's how a I have mine setup and it works fine.

02-15-2010, 08:39 PM

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the information and assistance. I have a casefeeder for my XL650 so I would really like to use it for some volume work. I am guessing I need to machine the top of the Dillon toolhead to allow the RL-1200 and C-H trim to die extend lower to the shell plate. Is that correct?

If so, do I need to machine the entire tool head or just "relieve" an area large enough to allow the RL-1200 and vacuum port to clear?

I will have to look at the tool head and see if it would just be easier to make a special one from aluminum just for this task.

Thanks again for any assistance you can provide.


02-16-2010, 01:25 PM

Would you mid posting a picture of your setup?
