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View Full Version : Myford aquired, what extra's do I need.

dr pepper
10-12-2009, 08:57 AM
First of all, Hi chaps, I'm new to the forum.

I have aquired an old myford, it came with a bag of bits including some change wheels, tumble reverse lever and another cast bracket which looks like an arbour for some of the change wheels.
I've used the likes of harrison m300's and colchester triumph's for a while, but never had one of these compact jobs.
Can anyone tell me what I need to complete the machine and be able to use power feed and give some idea as to how the change wheel setup is laid out, it all came in bits and I'm wondering, I'm not really concerned about screw cutting at the minute, Isuspect the change wheels are imperial anyhow.
Theres a couple of photo's of what i've got, it looks like the change wheel and nut that go on the end of the spindle are missing.
P.S. The last picture is my first machine, I actually paid more for this than the myford, sods law isnt it you go for something you can afford then a good one turns up at the right price.
This machine was built by the previous owner, and is surprisingly accurate, its back up for sale.


10-29-2009, 11:10 PM
Might look here...Bob