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View Full Version : my new to me jet lathe

09-30-2009, 11:16 PM
Hi all
I'm new to your forum. I hope to be an asset also
first question for all of you.
I just bought myself a jet lathe - BD1340R ..
it needs new belts has anybody out there done this to one of these ?

is it worth tearing it down or should I just buy one of those sectional belts ?

thanks, plab

dr pepper
10-20-2009, 02:28 AM
Link belts are cool in a way cause they are really easy to fit, however they can cause vibration which if really bad will leave witness marks in the job.

10-23-2009, 07:36 PM
Does your "JET" have "Tension roller assembly" on it??? I had a JET BD-920N for about a year until i purchased a IMX 1340, SMITHY.

10-23-2009, 09:38 PM
You can contact the "Jet" Company direct and get an email manual and information on your lathe

Jet equipment and sales
P.O. Box 1349
Alburn, Washington

fax 253-939-8001

have a good day