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View Full Version : Question on turret lathe

09-30-2009, 04:05 AM
Was looking for a turret lathe that you could use up to 1" 3/16. I can find turret lathe up to 1"1/16th in a reasonable size, but when i look past a 1"1/16th the lath goes up to a 6,000 pound machine. Just need a 1" 3/16 turret lathe to cut nylon or plastic. Seems that any machine above 1" 1/16th stock triples in size. Is there a lathe im missing here, just need to cut 1"3/16 stock plastic and nylon.

10-06-2009, 08:29 AM
What I have done on my Herbert 2D is bore the 44mmID head stock out to 62mmID still leaves 5mm wall thickness, which is more than ample for the plastic we turn. Just remember which way the bearings go back in