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View Full Version : Found a load my gun loves

08-02-2009, 08:05 PM
11.1 grains of AA-1680 over a 220 gr. SMK .. No chrono sorry.

40 yards



08-02-2009, 10:56 PM
For comparison I got about 1089 fps out of my M1S upper using 11.7 grs of AA-1680.

08-25-2009, 07:46 AM
That group can be worked much much more, at 40 yards that means your gun is shooting around 2 MOA, I may be wrong but that ain't that great!

My 22lr bolt action shoots better than that.

Where did you get your barrel?

Now if that were a 100 yard group then you would be kicking arse.


08-25-2009, 04:23 PM
Here is my best so far at 100 yards:

5 shots

That is 8.5 grains of VV N-110, and a 240 Sierra MK. Chronograph shows it to be right around 1050 fps. This is out of a Savage w/ 18" barrel. I've only put about 80 rounds through the gun thus far. Counting the flier, the group is 1.2".