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View Full Version : RAS FOR SR 25K ?

Scott Moore
12-30-2004, 08:47 PM
Where would a person find a RAS for a SR 25K? I have a post ban gun and would like to update it if possible with a RAS and a folding stock. :?:

12-30-2004, 09:40 PM
Do you want a M5 (non-Free Floating) RAS? If so, these should be available most anywhere. If you are looking for an SR-25 FF RAS tube... well that is a whole other ball of wax! I have been watching to find one for years and I have yet to get my rather gready little hands on one... I know that a few were sold over the past couple years but I hear it is easier to find a hen with teeth then to get your hands on an SR-25 FF RAS still!

Now, if you have not seen this review... http://quarterbore.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=86... check it out now! Art (AKA SniperX) has an exceptional tube in this setup and frankly I like it better then my FF RAS tubes (My AR-15 FF RAS tubes that is). The ONLY disadvantage is that the specs are not true Mil-Std-1913 so some accessories will not mount but I have been using my AR-10 Carbine with carious ARMS style mounted equipment and I really love it!

Also, you will note I moved your post to the AR-10 forum... no offence just trying to keep everything where people can find it...

If you manage to find a source for an SR-25 FF RAS please let me know as I would love one for my AR-10T... See That Gun here (http://quarterbore.com/kac/ar10ffrail.html) if I got the chance not that I don't like either of the tubes that are on my AR-10s...

EDIT... I see you said SR-25K... that will be even harder to find... you might try contacting KAC and see if they will do a factory upgrade as a carbine length SR-25 FF RAS is something I have never seen sold by itself... Art's system should work for you however as your SR-25 would look like my CAR-10 project at the first link!

03-27-2005, 12:27 PM
Check with Excaliber Arms.That's where I got mine.John will cut it to lenght for you,for a fee.He cut mine to mid-lenght for my "AR10K".There's are a couple of guys on ar15.com selling buffers that will allow you use any ar15 car stock on your SR25.I have one in my AR10 from Slash.Works great.The other guy is YellowBirdDeer.Good luck.

05-22-2005, 01:07 AM
I just did what your wanting to do and after doing some long hard looking, i came up with LaRue Tactical Hand guard (RAS), Knights threading is different from all other AR-10's (DPMS, Armilite, Bushmaster) out there so no other RAS system biuld for the AR-10 will fit it has to be for the SR-25 and Mark LaRue is making them now, he really makes some great stuff i love how it locks in place, just do a web search of LaRue Tactical, hope this helps