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03-23-2005, 10:14 PM
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:44 pm Post subject: Dutch M9?? anyone knows what M9 is used in the dutch army????

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:20 pm Post subject: Dutch M9

In 1994 the Dutch government purchased over 50,000 M16 rifles from the Canadian manufacturer Diemaco. The Dutch wanted a complete package, so Diemaco purchased M9 bayonets from Buck to accompany the rifles. I have never seen one of these bayonets in person and unfortunately Buck does not have any information related to the bayonets. Joe Houser of Buck Knives told me that he believes that they were probably just standard 1994 commercial marked bayonets.

When the Dutch bought the Diemaco M16 rifles, they also purchased a multi-year support contract. Some time in 1998 they contacted Diemaco and wanted bayonet parts and complete bayonets. Diemaco contacted Buck, but by that point in time Buck had ceased production of the M9 bayonet. Buck felt that the burden of fulfilling the bayonet order was the responsibility of Diemaco, not them. Diemaco then contacted Lan-Cay asking for their help. Unfortunately, the Dutch government did not want the standard Lan-Cay Product Improved bayonet. They wanted replacements in the same configuration as the original bayonets they purchased from Buck. After a period of negotiation, the Dutch agreed to a modified PI bayonet. Lan-Cay had to adapt their standard scabbards to include a recessed stone, a full back webbing to cover the stone and a two strap retaining system like the original Buck M9 bayonets. All of this scabbard modification had to be done by hand. They also insisted on the web pouch. The scabbard body being used was the standard Lan-Cay PI scabbard so it did not have the loops at the side of the body. Instead, the straps just wrapped around the scabbard body above the bumped out hand stop. The Dutch order was for 150 bayonets.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:14 pm

To add a little to Bill's post, I exchanged e-mails a couple of years ago with a Dutch soldier. He stated that many of the Buck M9's supplied have been modified as field knives. He indicated that the crossguards are being modified, removing the bayonet muzzle loop. This is a sanctioned modification, though he was not clear whether it was a unit level modification, or more widespread. A verified Dutch contract M9 would be a real prize as I, like Bill, have never seen one in person. (And believe me, if Bill Porter does not have one, it is just not out there!)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:25 pm Post subject: Buck / Diemaco M9

I was able to make contact with a person at Diemaco through another good collector friend. I was initially looking for information on the 1998 Lan-Cay replacement bayonets, but the person I was corresponding with did not have, or did not care to share, any information on the subject. He did, however, send me a photo of the bayonets that they provided to the Dutch. I had conversations with Joe Houser at Buck Knives in the past and he was not able to provide definitive information on the bayonets, but thought that they were probably the standard 1994 commercial model. You have to look hard, but you can see the 1994 date code on the bayonet in the photo.

12-31-2007, 07:50 AM

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:14 pm

A verified Dutch contract M9 would be a real prize as I, like Bill, have never seen one in person. (And believe me, if Bill Porter does not have one, it is just not out there!)

I just bought an original Dutch army Buck 188 !
I bought the M9 from a dutch soldier who served 11 years in the dutch army.

A dutch army M9 can be verified by an engraved "KL" number on the right ricasso.
KL stands for "Koninklijke Landmacht"



12-31-2007, 10:55 AM
Nice find! The engraving must have been done by the Dutch after receiving the bayonets from Buck. If it had been done at Buck I'm sure Joe Houser would have remembered. Other than the engraving it appears to be a standard Buck commercial bayonet.

Since my original posting in 2005 I have acquired one of the Lan-Cay replacement bayonets. It is a standard fuller-less blade with standard Lan-Cay markings. The scabbards were modified to have the crossover strap like the original Phrobis/Buck bayonets and Lan-Cay custom made pouches for the front of the scabbards.

05-20-2008, 04:40 PM
Another pic


05-20-2008, 05:08 PM
Very nice! Looks like it is in excellent condition.

01-13-2009, 04:46 PM
Some more pics:





01-13-2009, 05:04 PM
Very nice bayonet. What is the carrier that you have pictured alongside the bayonet? Does the entire assembly go in it or just the bayonet without the scabbard? Can you post some additional photos of it?

01-13-2009, 07:27 PM
Very nice bayonet. What is the carrier that you have pictured alongside the bayonet? Does the entire assembly go in it or just the bayonet without the scabbard? Can you post some additional photos of it?

The carrier alongside the bayonet is used by the Dutch Army to carry the bayonet with scabbard.
I was told that it must be attached to the ops vest and tied to the leg with the strap.

Here are some pics I found on the net of a simmular system:

01-14-2009, 06:48 PM
The M9, BUCK 188 bayonet described in a Dutch army manual for the Diemaco rifle:









01-15-2009, 04:12 AM
Many thanks for the pictures!
I would say that we have now not only all the details about this bayonet, but even pictures of two different bayonets used by the Dutch Army.
Why don't you write an article about the Diemaco M9?
This would be much appreciated by the whole M9 collectors community!!!!!

02-05-2009, 03:54 PM
The carrier alongside the bayonet is used by the Dutch Army to carry the bayonet with scabbard.
I was told that it must be attached to the ops vest and tied to the leg with the strap.

Here are some pics I found on the net of a simmular system:

Hey Sig, That looks like Meuts bayo carrier :cool:
How are you ?

More info on the Dutch M9 can be found at the website below.
Shown is Sig his bayonet if i'm correct :cool:

02-07-2009, 08:55 AM
Hey Sig, That looks like Meuts bayo carrier :cool:
How are you ?

More info on the Dutch M9 can be found at the website below.
Shown is Sig his bayonet if i'm correct :cool:

Hello jdeleur,

Nice to see you also here on this forum. :welcome:
You're right the three pics of the bayo carrier are indeed Meuts.
He has started a great website about dutch bayonets. :cool:
(and you're right, the pics of the Dutch M9 on his site are mine)

02-11-2009, 06:23 PM

When is yor website comming.
You also have a nice collection of bayonets.

Will look if i have some more pics of the carrier.

Stay tuned :cool:

05-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:20 pm Post subject: Dutch M9

After a period of negotiation, the Dutch agreed to a modified PI bayonet. Lan-Cay had to adapt their standard scabbards to include a recessed stone, a full back webbing to cover the stone and a two strap retaining system like the original Buck M9 bayonets. All of this scabbard modification had to be done by hand. They also insisted on the web pouch. The scabbard body being used was the standard Lan-Cay PI scabbard so it did not have the loops at the side of the body. Instead, the straps just wrapped around the scabbard body above the bumped out hand stop. The Dutch order was for 150 bayonets.

I believe I probably found one of these Lan-Cay modified scabbards for the Dutch Army.
Here is my last arrival from The Netherlands.
Unfortunately the scabbard is missing the pouch.
Fastex dated 2001.
Bill, can you compare this scabbard with the example you have?








05-14-2009, 11:06 AM
The Lan-Cay replacement scabbard for the Dutch Diemaco contract is very interesting. I even decided to contact Lan-Cay about it. I received a post from Mr. Barry Brown the same day; having provided him the link to this thread so he could review the photographs. In effect, he stated Lan-Cay had provided a quantity of M9 components to Diemaco. However, the scabbard configuration pictured was not provided by them. It appears the components were sold to Diemaco, & the scabbards subsequently assembled to the desired configuration by the Dutch in order to approximate the first pattern M9 scabbard as supplied by Buck.