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View Full Version : Hodgen Titegroup Reloading Data?

12-20-2008, 12:56 AM
After the election I bought a bit of Hodgen Titegroup along with a couple of primers. My non-paid gov job requires me to be proficient in the HK USP 40. I reload .40 with Titegroup. Maybe I was a bit concerned about the future avalibilty of powder. I prefer to reload 300 Whisper with H110 but this stuff was on sale and is flexible with the pistols. My Glock 20/W 5-1/2" Bar Sto Barrel and SW 1006 shoot 180gr well with this.

Any way, Hodgen has a subsonic 308 load of 168 GR. SIE HPBT Hodgdon Titegroup .308" 2.800" 8.0 1080 25,000 CUP

Has anyone tried tried this in 300 Whisper? 8.0 Gr Titegroup with a 168 SIE MK


12-20-2008, 05:54 AM
I'd try 6 grains.

12-20-2008, 08:14 AM

Since the 300 Whisper is the kissing cousin to the 357 Mag I checked my Hodgdon reloading manual #27. They list a couple of different loads for various bullet weights. I think the closest one is there load for 170 gr Sierra HHC. Here are the data:

170 gr sie jhc
5.4........34700 cup.......6.0.......41800cup

You can go to the Hodgdon site and check for other loads here:


If you are going to try this powder in a 300 whisper AR15, I doubt that it will cycle the action because the powder is too fast.

Good Luck and let us know how it works


12-20-2008, 04:04 PM
I was woundering about it cycling as well. I was looking for a subsonic load and have had trouble with those cycling as well. Maybe a different buffer spring or a gas piston modification would help.


12-20-2008, 06:16 PM

Try 8 to 9 grains of AA#9. This powder charge works in all of my 300-221 FIreball uppers. The gas port for the two rifles I have are both in the pistol pistion. With that said, the Olympic Arms barrel has the gas port ~0.5 inches closer to the chamber than the standard pistol position. So the gas port sizes are 0.078 for the Oly barrel and 0.083 for my Noveske barrel.

Accurate has sub-sonic load data for the 300:


I hope this helps,


12-20-2008, 06:59 PM
I have a Model 1 16" upper. The gas port is in the normal car position. I have custom TC with a 20" heavy barrel on order. If the piston doesn't work I'll just use that for the subsonic loads.Should be a bit more accurate as well.

Thanks for the link

The one thing I like most about the 300-221 is it's flexability. 30 cal bullets from 110 gr to 240gr. And it's powerful enough to hunt within the 30/30 winchester range. Now I'm looking for an accurate cheap subsonic load for target practice.


12-20-2008, 10:52 PM

I have two ways that I get inexpensive sub-sonic loads. One way is that I keep my eye out for specials at places like MidwayUSA or for bulk bullets. The other inexpensive sub-sonic load is Winchester 147 gr FMJ $19/100, less if you buy them in larger quantities. A guy that goes by "Ranger Dave" shoots the Win 147 in front of 8 gr of 2400.

I recently bought a 300 upper with an earlier version of the Olympic barrel with the gas port in the carbine position and an adjustable gas tube, but I have not shot it that much yet. I want to replace the forearm with a free-float tube and some other changes before I get into any serious load development. It did run pretty well with some sub-sonic 165 gr loads that have. But I really do not have that much experience with it yet.

I agree with you, the 300-221 is very flexible. Actually, I think that it is a much better than the 30-30 Win. because you can run spitzer bullets. For example, if you go with the Nosler Ballistic Tips that you can take deer out to 300 yrds. Check the Nosler site, they state that that the minimum velocity for Ballistic Tips to will expand is 1600 fps. My two 16-inch rifles can push 125gr loads too 2250 fps... This load is clocking 1630 fps at 300 yrds. A 150 gr Ballistic Tips out of a 300-221 starts at the muzzle at ~2020 and drops to 1600fps at 250 yrds.


12-22-2008, 10:37 PM
Thanks 320pf for the info on nosler BT whats your load for the 150 Gr. I've never been a fan of the win 147s because even in my match 308 I can't get them to shoot well. My model1 upper shoots the 180gr BT quite well. I get 1 1/2' Moa out of it. Not bad for a kit upper. Just ordered a Custom TC barrel that should give me 1/2 moa with match bullets. I always felt the Nosler BT has a great combination of accuracy and terminal ballistics. As far as cheap and good I use a noname 168 HPBT match bullet for 17 cents a pop and get results close to a 168gr Sierra MK.


12-22-2008, 11:05 PM

I have posted most of my reloading data here:


Most of the loads listed under "Not yet verified user loads" are mine... There are a few listed by others

As far as the 147gr bullets go I used them for close range 3-gun practice and on the close range 3-gun stages. They do not need to be super accurate.

Would you mind sharing your source for "noname 168 HPBT match bullets"

Thanks in advance.

I hope this helps.


12-23-2008, 12:26 AM

I guess the price has gone up a few cents. I havent shot the wideners yet but quality seem fine. Might be PRI Match. They removed the lable from the box which I thought was strange, but considering the price at least my kids could use them for plinking. I ordered a bunch after the election and they should last me for a few years.

The hi-tech 168gr shot a 5 shot group 2 1/2" at 300 yards in my custom AR10. It was a little windy thay day had 2 flyers other than that a .5-.75 moa bullet. Too bad they were out of stock I think I paid around $350 or so for 2000.

Thanks for the link this is were I started. Had some blown primers with some of the upper end H110 loads so I backed off the 168gr HPBT to an even 14.0 H110. Theses are for target the 180gr BT and win powerpoints should work well with as well without changing my dillon press.
