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View Full Version : Is there a cleaner burning powder???

12-13-2008, 11:49 AM
I've been reloading with Hodgdon H110, but is there a dirtier burning powder on the market? I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy a sand blasting cabinet to clean my brass!!! :eek:

Anyway, here's a list of powders for the 300 Whisper from the ReloadersNest.com web site, listed from faster burning to slower burning:

Alliant Red Dot
Alliant Unique
Alliant Power Pistol
Alliant Herco
Alliant Blue Dot
Accurate No. 9
Vihtavuori N110
Hodgdon Lil’Gun
Hodgdon H110
Winchester 296
ADI AR2205
IMR 4227
Hodgdon H4227
Vihtavuori N130
Accurate 1680
Hodgdon H4198
Accurate 2015 XMR
Alliant Reloader 7
Vihtavuori N530

Is Lil' Gun as dirty as H110? How about Winchester 296?

I was talking with a state trooper, who is an avid reloader, and he told me that H110 is the filthiest burning powder that he's ever used!!!

Do I need to go to one of the Alliants to find a really good, clean burning powder?

Thanks for your input!

12-13-2008, 04:51 PM
vvn 110 works well

Colorado Osprey
12-14-2008, 10:26 AM
H4198 is pretty clean

12-15-2008, 12:56 PM
I have tried several and Lil’Gun is best in my rifles.

12-16-2008, 11:55 PM
If you're friend has never shot anything dirtier than H110 he hasn't had a chance to experience Unique...

I started reloading with that one, and nothing else seems dirty now.

I had great results with H110, and AA1680 in a single shotT/C. (Waiting on a backordered AR bbl to try next.)
