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11-19-2008, 07:27 PM
I started with the idea to make a subsonic round in 458cal but I also have a round that is quite impresive as a supersonic round. Here is the data I have so far,

I started with a LotherWalther SS 14twist blank. The brl I am running is 10" long. The #s are as follows

std reloading disclaimer
50Boewulf brass cut to 1.285
300g Rem 30g W296 WLP 1.85 OAL low 1657fps high 1681fps COLD These were brl break in rounds. Shoot one clean one for 20 total.

300g Rem HP 30g LilGun WLP 1.85 OAL low 1784fps high 1802fps. Very light marks on the case. Went up 1 grain to 31g & got a good extractor mark NO GO, 1886fps. In conclusion I will run 30g for hunting purposes & 28g for practice.

350SP 31g RL7 WLP 1.85 OAL low 1612fps high 1622fps COLD Went up to 33g for 1627fps Very consistant but unburnt residue in brl. Should have used CCI 350s Still need to find max.

350SP 27.5g LilGun WLP 1.9 OAL low 1618fps high 1639fps light marks on case. Went up to 28.5 & good marks on case. NO GO
Again I would run the 27.5 for hunting & use 25.5g for practice.

405Rem SP 26g LilGun WLP 2.25 OAL Only fired one. NO GO Need to back down a grain & try again 1457fps

50AE case 1.285
300Rem 32g W296 CCI350 1.85 OAL low 1753fps high 1771fps COLD but geting close. The W296 might break 1800fps.

300Rem 35g RL7 CCI350 1.85 OAL low 1630fps high 1646fps COLD I dont like RL7 with the lighter bullets. To much unburn residue.

350SP 31g RL7 CCI350 1.85 OAL low 1637fps high 1652fps COLD Still need to find max. The CCI 350s realy helped with velocity & residue.

I plan to get out tomorrow & get the max of a couple more before I look into the subsonics.

11-19-2008, 10:02 PM
You might also try a 458 SOCOM, brass available, dies at midway, lots of data out there.

11-20-2008, 09:19 AM
The first Socom I had was one of the first 3 prototypes. Ive had 2 or 3 over the years. Nothing against the Socom but this one is mine. So far it looks like performance is on par & brass/dies are available.

11-20-2008, 10:53 AM
Ron do you have any pics? Curiosity always gets the best of me :smile:

11-20-2008, 01:36 PM
Here is a pic next to the socom along with the upper & a group shot of diferent loadings.

11-20-2008, 04:10 PM
Ron, Thats pretty nice! Are you using Socom dies to neck down?

11-21-2008, 09:38 AM
Yes. I shorten the dies until I have a .20 neck on the 1.285 brass. Short neck, shoulder forward giving me as much case capacity as posible.

11-21-2008, 06:29 PM
Thats pretty slick Ron. Gives me an idea about a 338 project.