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View Full Version : 9mm Suppressor on a Whisper.... works great

10-25-2008, 10:55 AM
I got my Gemtech Multimount 9mm suppressor last week and have been using it on the Whisper (AR platform). It works like a charm.

I'll try to get some dB numbers next week. It is slightly louder than my suppressed .22LR, but it all seems to be very low (bass) frequency from all that extra powder going off. The best that I can describe it is a little bit more "whump" at the shooter's end. I'm sure a .308 can would be a little better (and required for super-sonic) but I am extremely pleased with this suppressor... plus I can use it on a 9mm upper ;)

Just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know. When I was researching this purchase I found a lot of people on various forums saying "it should work" but not any saying they'd tried it. It works just fine and is quiet.

10-25-2008, 01:29 PM
I have used my AAC evo9 and a SWR trident 9 and they work just fine but
the AAC 762sd is alot quieter.
I'm waiting for my 13oz Degroat 300 whisper can to get done, this will
be the dedicated can thats light and most quiet for the 300 whisper.

10-27-2008, 02:40 AM
The first Whisper I heard was a 16" bbl with a Gemtech 9mm can on it. He was shooting subsonic 147gr bullets. His gun sounds almost like my integral 9mm AR.

I have a .30 cal can but I am stuck waiting on the barrel. I am hoping to have it by mid Nov.
