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View Full Version : I need advice on buying a chuck!

09-18-2008, 11:55 AM
When I started doing lathework a year or so ago, my father handed me a small cardboard box and said, "and if you ever want to use this, here's a chuck!"
The box said Multistar Duplex Chuck, and I looked at it in wonder. Then tried to read the confusing instructions, put it back in the box, and continued doing my woodwork as I'd always done it.
Now, a year later, I tried using this chuck. And, as I soon realised, the chuck I had wasn't the chuck in the instruction manual. So here I am. I'm stuck. And I'm pretty much toying with the idea of buying a whole new one.
First off, I need to know WHERE to buy one. I've tried eBay, but can't seem to find anything good.
Second, does anyone have any advice? Any brands I should look out for? Anything that's ridiculously expensive compared to quality? Anything with *cough* bad instruction manuals?
I appreciate all help!!
-Ellen (18)

10-19-2008, 04:06 PM
You have probably already worked it out but I happen to have been searching for something and realized that Grizzly www.grizzly.com carries woodlathe chucks right up to 6" with 1x8 threads. They should have something to fit the machine for under $100. It may not be the quality of a Multistar and if you want to do something with that chuck maybe you can contact these people:


Grizzly has chucks for simple operations like turning thin spindles all the way up to turning things like bowls and plates.

10-29-2009, 11:24 PM
Do you have a pic of your chuck???...Bob