05-28-2008, 11:55 AM
This is the knife orginally posted and photo'd here:
Here we have the M9 being used as garbage bag holder (we needed a hook or something). Just glad it didn't break.
And here we have it being used to provide sustinance (we forgot a spatula). and yes, the wife's peppe le peu PJ's survived the harsh conditions of the day too.
Kidding aside, it actually was a pretty decent camp knife. We needed some firestarting shavings, and the M9 worked pretty well hacking off splinters of wood from our firewood for that. I hooked it to my belt and took it on a 5 hr hike just to see how it would work out. I didn't get too many odd looks, but obviosly this isn't the best fashion statement in a state park. It had a bit of mass to it, but wasn't a problem to carry around. Obviously I didn't actually use it, a knife like this really isn't something you need to carry around while day hiking - a Leatherman makes more sense for the weight. But not a big deal if you want to try it yourself.
The knife sheith looks like it'll act as a bottle opener, but it doesn't. Fortunately I found that the barrel hole in the tang worked very well as a bottle opener (important stuff here). When we got home, I took off the handle and removed the blade, which I tossed in the dishwasher to wash off egg, wood, and s'mores residue. Cleaned up fine. Interesting thing is there is some rust now visible on it, where ever that blade has contact with carbon steel (i.e. where the blade touches the tang guard thingy, and in the lug hole where the hole rubs up against the t-lug of the shief for wirecutting). Neither is an issue or visible. Obviously such is just surface rust from the carbon steel compenents that rubbed against the stainless blade.
One thing I really DIDN'T like was that the blade doesn't go all the way to the end of the handle. I looked up the Military M9 owners mannual, and apparently they are all this way. This doesn't seem a very strong design.
Here we have the M9 being used as garbage bag holder (we needed a hook or something). Just glad it didn't break.
And here we have it being used to provide sustinance (we forgot a spatula). and yes, the wife's peppe le peu PJ's survived the harsh conditions of the day too.
Kidding aside, it actually was a pretty decent camp knife. We needed some firestarting shavings, and the M9 worked pretty well hacking off splinters of wood from our firewood for that. I hooked it to my belt and took it on a 5 hr hike just to see how it would work out. I didn't get too many odd looks, but obviosly this isn't the best fashion statement in a state park. It had a bit of mass to it, but wasn't a problem to carry around. Obviously I didn't actually use it, a knife like this really isn't something you need to carry around while day hiking - a Leatherman makes more sense for the weight. But not a big deal if you want to try it yourself.
The knife sheith looks like it'll act as a bottle opener, but it doesn't. Fortunately I found that the barrel hole in the tang worked very well as a bottle opener (important stuff here). When we got home, I took off the handle and removed the blade, which I tossed in the dishwasher to wash off egg, wood, and s'mores residue. Cleaned up fine. Interesting thing is there is some rust now visible on it, where ever that blade has contact with carbon steel (i.e. where the blade touches the tang guard thingy, and in the lug hole where the hole rubs up against the t-lug of the shief for wirecutting). Neither is an issue or visible. Obviously such is just surface rust from the carbon steel compenents that rubbed against the stainless blade.
One thing I really DIDN'T like was that the blade doesn't go all the way to the end of the handle. I looked up the Military M9 owners mannual, and apparently they are all this way. This doesn't seem a very strong design.