View Full Version : 300 Fireball and 300 Whisper reloading references on the web
12-14-2004, 08:22 PM
Please help me compile a list of references specific to ammo and reloading issues as they relate to the 300 Fireball and 300 Whisper here.
My 300 Whisper pages:
Forming 300 Whisper Brass (
Sub-Sonic Loads (
Supersonic loads (
Other Web Resources:
Accurate Reloading 300 Whisper page (
Reloaders Nest 300 Whisper page (
THE LONG WHISPER by Todd Spotti - An excellent overview of the 300 Whisper with loads! (
08-21-2006, 08:29 PM
To all those that may be intrested.
I just posted some new reload data on:
using W296 and 180g sierra boatail bullets
Question for the moderator
Do we want to list reloading data on this forum?
12-20-2008, 01:29 AM
Yes please. We all know the risks of irrespsible relaoding.
The 300Whisper is a wildcat and has its learing curve. I would like to consider the collective experience of a group to make the best choice.
01-03-2009, 07:18 PM
It will be some time before I get a rifle together (Mostly depends on DPMS). But I plan on trying out VV N133 with CCI #450 or Remmington #6 1/2 primers and SMK 240gr HPBTs. Obviously this is a slower powder than N110. The real issue for me is burn consistency and any relationship between burn rate and energy density.
The most obvious risks are:
* too much chamber pressure for desired MV (~1050 fps)
* bullet not making it to muzzle
There was a really good picture on the Internet for that second case where a .30 cal bullet was hanging out of the muzzle of a barrel. But my Google voodoo was lacking in locating that photo.
And of course even if I make a workable load that is also consistent and groups well doesn't mean that it will be a safe load to shoot for anyone.
I'll post if I get such a load working. But I won't post what the load is if a single person objects.
Rikky Lee
01-07-2010, 04:50 AM
Like others, I think we need to start pooling reloading data - would another specific reloading DATA forum (or sub forum like they use on Sniper's Hide) work?
01-27-2010, 03:32 PM
I use this resource alot for comparing comparable powders between brands...
I'd like to hear how that load works out. From a mock up of that round to reach those speeds you will be at 100% powder capacity. Given that you will only reach ~80% burn rate it may be asking alot to control muzzleflash or contain in a suppressor.
02-22-2010, 06:46 PM
Anyone care to share some good subsonic data using 200gr bullets? Out of a 16 1/2" barrel? Surley some of you have some tried and true data for a new whisper shooter. 200's are alot cheaper than the 220's and 240's. I will probably try them all sooner or later but would like to give the 200's a good run first and be able to stay low and slow.
02-23-2010, 01:56 AM
I am using 9.2gr Lil-Gun with Speer 200gr SP out of a 10 1/2" AR. and 9.5gr Lil-Gun with 220gr RN
Rikky Lee
02-23-2010, 02:43 AM
Don't go passed the Lapua 200 grain subsonic bullets too. Very effective FMJ.
However, 240s sing at 1040fps in a way that 200s do not.
02-26-2010, 04:50 PM
Subsonic Loads - I have just completed testing of loads out of my Model 1 Sales AR-15, with the following results;
Sierra 220 BTHP W296 - 10.5 gr. Exceeded 1100 fps, occasionally failed to cycle
Sierra 220 BTHP H-110 - 10.9 gr. Exceeded 1200 fps - functioned well
Sierra 220 BTHP 2400 - 8.7 gr. Velocities below 1070 fps - ejected empties, but would not load new rounds
Sierra 240 BTHP H-110 - 10.9 gr. Exceeded 1200 fps (average 1251 out of 5 shots), bolt would pick up a new round but usually did not have enough energy to go completely into battery (used forward assist).
I'm going to try some AA #9 now with the 220's, and try the W296 with the 240's. I was surprised that identical powder charges (10.9 gr of H110) produced higher velocities with the heavier bullets - somewhat counter to what usually happens.
03-06-2010, 02:58 PM
For what its worth.
8.5 grn lilgun 240 grn smk
ar15 with 2 different uppers
m1s 16 inch barrel with pistol and carbine gas blocks, Bowers 9mm can:
pistol gas block open - 995 / 1012 full cycle and picked up next round
carbine gas block open - 980 / 965 bolt only came back about 1 inch and stopped.
Overall very little sound except for the action noise.
tp555 10 inch barrel with pistol gas block, aa 7.62 sd can:
1150/1155 full cycle and picked up next round.
Loud crack about 25 ft out from the muzzle but you could still hear the bullet hit the target.
8.2 grn lilgun 240 grn smk
tp555 10 inch barrel with pistol gas block, aa 7.62 sd can:
1006/1034 full cycle and picked up next round.
Much less noise than the 8.5 grn load out of this barrel but not as quite as the 16 inch barrel even with the 8.5 grn load. Not sure if its the suppressor or the extra barrel that makes a difference.
05-17-2010, 04:58 PM
I have loaded aproximately 50 rounds for my new Remington 700 based 300/221 fireball. The brass was all newly formed (mixed headstamp) and fired for the first time with a suggested starting load of 10.7 gr of H110 with a 200gr Sierra MK. This data is from the Sierra loading mauual. I fired about forty of these with little to no issues and then BOOM. Powder residue and the report of the rifle back in my face. Now the bolt of the rifle opened smoothly. I quickly found that the primer was blown and flattened and stuck to the bolt face. The gas pressure has totally screwed my extractor. Now I am asking those of you who have a 300 Whisper or 300/221 fireball...... What the hell?On the bright side of things, the new barrel/rifle is starting to break in and it is shooting rather well but I am a little gun shy after this incident. What gives? Is this SEE incident or what? Why after 40 or so rounds with no issues did this happen? Please share your ideas? Low and slow is my goal as I plan to add a suppressor to this rifle soon.
05-17-2010, 05:18 PM
I have loaded aproximately 50 rounds for my new Remington 700 based 300/221 fireball. The brass was all newly formed (mixed headstamp) and fired for the first time with a suggested starting load of 10.7 gr of H110 with a 200gr Sierra MK. This data is from the Sierra loading mauual. I fired about forty of these with little to no issues and then BOOM. Powder residue and the report of the rifle back in my face. Now the bolt of the rifle opened smoothly. I quickly found that the primer was blown and flattened and stuck to the bolt face. The gas pressure has totally screwed my extractor. Now I am asking those of you who have a 300 Whisper or 300/221 fireball...... What the hell?On the bright side of things, the new barrel/rifle is starting to break in and it is shooting rather well but I am a little gun shy after this incident. What gives? Is this SEE incident or what? Why after 40 or so rounds with no issues did this happen? Please share your ideas? Low and slow is my goal as I plan to add a suppressor to this rifle soon.
Possible double charge or bullet jammed into the lands?
06-05-2010, 01:34 AM
I have loaded aproximately 50 rounds for my new Remington 700 based 300/221 fireball. The brass was all newly formed (mixed headstamp) and fired for the first time with a suggested starting load of 10.7 gr of H110 with a 200gr Sierra MK. This data is from the Sierra loading mauual. I fired about forty of these with little to no issues and then BOOM. Powder residue and the report of the rifle back in my face. Now the bolt of the rifle opened smoothly. I quickly found that the primer was blown and flattened and stuck to the bolt face. The gas pressure has totally screwed my extractor. Now I am asking those of you who have a 300 Whisper or 300/221 fireball...... What the hell?On the bright side of things, the new barrel/rifle is starting to break in and it is shooting rather well but I am a little gun shy after this incident. What gives? Is this SEE incident or what? Why after 40 or so rounds with no issues did this happen? Please share your ideas? Low and slow is my goal as I plan to add a suppressor to this rifle soon.
Neck wall too thick?
07-08-2010, 07:07 PM
I have loaded aproximately 50 rounds for my new Remington 700 based 300/221 fireball. The brass was all newly formed (mixed headstamp) and fired for the first time with a suggested starting load of 10.7 gr of H110 with a 200gr Sierra MK. This data is from the Sierra loading mauual. I fired about forty of these with little to no issues and then BOOM. Powder residue and the report of the rifle back in my face. Now the bolt of the rifle opened smoothly. I quickly found that the primer was blown and flattened and stuck to the bolt face. The gas pressure has totally screwed my extractor. Now I am asking those of you who have a 300 Whisper or 300/221 fireball...... What the hell?On the bright side of things, the new barrel/rifle is starting to break in and it is shooting rather well but I am a little gun shy after this incident. What gives? Is this SEE incident or what? Why after 40 or so rounds with no issues did this happen? Please share your ideas? Low and slow is my goal as I plan to add a suppressor to this rifle soon.
I have a Noveske 16" Barrel on a home made upper. I Cerrosafe cast the chamber and the neck is .336" on the casting. Ejected brass is .334" I made brass from Federal 223 brass. When I got to measuring it I discovered the necks were generally to thick, epecially near the shoulder. I decided to neck turn all of it to .011 wall. that gives me a .330 OD with a .308 bullet loaded in it. I was quite amazed at what was happening when I turned the brass. I used the neck turning atachment for my Forster Case Trimmer with a 3,000 rpm air drill driving it. The brass fit the 30 cal mandrell very tight after it was sized. Lubrication is obviously required. What I observed was that many cases were only thinned on one side until very close to the shoulder. On others the cutter started trimming right at the mouth of the case. Obviously the was a lot of variability in the thickness of the case necks. I think that turning the case necks was quite worthwhile. My first loads had an Extreme Spread of 23 fps on the Pact Chronograph for 10 shots. Groups were sub 1 inch at 100 yards for 10 shots. I think case neck thickness is a very big problem for this cartridge when using converted .223 brass. Several of the first dummy cartridges I prepared would not chamber in my AR. Those that would sometimes showed marks on the neck near the shoulder. They were obviously very tight.
07-14-2010, 02:35 PM
Spook's 10.5" AR barrel (great barrel if you are on the market for one) with 1 in 8 Twist and pistol length gas system Subsonic loads:
Hoser's Lake City Brass
220 Grain Sierra Matchking
CCI Small Rifle Primer
8.5 grains of 2400
Seated to 2.13" (if memory serves) - just go to where they feed in standard AR mags which is a little less than a quarter inch from the front of the mag for mine.
I also get great results from the same above with
175 Grain Sierra Matchking or M80 military bullets (147 grain)
and 7.5 grains of 2400
All of these loads are subsonic and cycle my action with M16 type Bolt Carrier Group and standard carbine buffer and spring.
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02-05-2011, 04:07 PM
8.3 gns of AA9 and 8.7 gns of N110 work well in my 10.5" ar with a Thunderbeast suppressor. I'm getting between 975 and 1025 fps.
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