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View Full Version : Phrobis III M9A1

02-29-2008, 01:54 PM
There is currently a used M9A1 on ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Super-rare-M9A1-phrobis-III-bayonet_W0QQitemZ180219682716QQihZ008QQcategoryZ36 071QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The seller claims it is an "ex-us army issue" bayonet. I wrote to tell him that the Army never purchased or issued any M9A1 bayonets. He replied that he didn't know what I was looking for, but he gets his information from the quarterbore.net forums. I wrote back and made it a little more clear that he should edit his item description and remove the army issue reference. Hopefully he will be an honest seller and correct this error.

I love it when people cut and paste bits of information from the website and use it in item descriptions even if it doesn't apply to the item they're selling. I guess we should all feel honored that people are recognizing this site as the premier source for M9 information.

02-29-2008, 02:03 PM
It is a bit frustrating bit more then just frustrating... :o

02-29-2008, 03:40 PM
The seller has posted a correction to the item description noting that this is not an "ex-us army issue".

02-29-2008, 06:33 PM
I was looking back at the auction and.....did you notice?....it is probably a reflection, but in the first picture the webbing assembly (upper part of the scabbard) seems almost black, not green.

03-01-2008, 03:32 PM
I did notice that and after looking at the picture three or four times I still am not sure if it is green or black. I'll send a question to the seller.

03-02-2008, 10:55 AM
The seller replied that the belt loop portion of the scabbard is black. This is not how it is supposed to be.