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View Full Version : nicks on the blade: how to remove them?

02-21-2008, 04:17 AM
a self-back up of the message that I posted yesterday

I would be interested to know if there is a way to fix the following nicks on the blade




The pictures come from an Australian Buck that I bought almost two years ago. The bayonet was still in its original packaging.





As you can probably imagine, I payed a lot of money due of the bayonet being in "mint" condition. When I received the package, there was a hole in the plastic bag. Someone used, for sure, the wire cutter, as you can see from both the nicks on the blade and the wear on the scabbard plate.
Just a side note: when I contacted the seller, showing him the pictures, he told me that the plastic bag was still sealed when the bayonet was shipped and that it was "probably opened by the customs"...as I don't see why the customs should try to use the wire cutter, I don't believe at all to this story.
Anyway, would you suggest me to try to fix the nicks (and, if so, how?) or just should I leave the bayonet as it is?

02-21-2008, 04:28 AM
Yesterday Bill was suggesting to keep the bayonet as it is, while Ken asked if the nicks could be from the factory.
What is strange is that if you look at the pictures in the following thread
you'll see that there are wear marks on the scabbard plate too.
I remember the auction the above thread was referring to, and that M9 australian was supposed to be in mint condition......also....:confused: :confused:

02-21-2008, 05:05 PM
That is surely one nice looking Australian Buck, you have there Carlo, the seller should have been more truthful with youl It is pretty close to being mint...

02-22-2008, 04:48 AM
That is surely one nice looking Australian Buck, you have there Carlo, the seller should have been more truthful with youl It is pretty close to being mint...
I looked around in my hotmail old messages, and I found some correspondence with the australian seller.
I even found a picture he originally sent me
Of course, the seller didn't use the red circle to show the wear on the scabbard plate...I sent him this picture, with the red circle, to show him that the wear on the scabbard plate was there even with the plastic bag still "sealed".
Definately my fault, as I should have noted this before buying the bayonet....:mad: