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View Full Version : Crimp Die

02-11-2008, 01:20 PM
Anyone out there know of a source for a crimp die for 300-221? I have a two dies set coming and will use this on a Dillon 550. I would like to crimp them with either a taper crimp or factory crimp. My Redding dies don't say anything about the seater die even being a crimp die at all. Besides I like to crimp as a separate step anyway. :sniper:

02-11-2008, 04:25 PM
I was unable to crimp mine using my redding dies, I think they might be set up for a longer case length?


02-12-2008, 09:27 AM
I was afraid of that. Thanks for confirming it. I might have to get another Redding seat die and modify it so it will crimp since I don't see any other option.

02-13-2008, 07:27 PM
Contact Lee Precision. They made a factory crimp die for me. I wish I could talk them into making a collet neck sizing die, that would be sweet.

02-13-2008, 09:41 PM
Try a LEE 30 carbine factory crimp die , works for me

02-13-2008, 10:31 PM
the redding 3-die set I got crimps with the bullet setter die.
set # 84432

02-14-2008, 01:11 AM
the redding 3-die set I got crimps with the bullet setter die.
set # 84432

What length do you trim your cases to?


02-14-2008, 03:07 AM
I use a .308 LEE FCD with a simple height booster I turn out in a lathe.

There is no magic in the setup, the neck size is the same, only the case have different length. so turn out a piece of plastic so the whisper is suspended at the right height when the loader ram touch the bottom of the die.
As the ram pushes the crimper part, it also push the cartridge (on the booster seat) and does the crimp. No sweat :)

02-14-2008, 03:43 PM
I called Redding and they said to order another seater and that I could use the second seater to crimp. So I did. Now I have two seater dies that screwed down until they contact the shell holder don't apply any crimp. I'm going to call Redding again and see if they will alter my die or if I need to buy a new die from elsewhere. In addition with the die screwed all the way in and the seater screwed all the way in, it will just seat 125gr Sierras to their recommended length. I might just go ahead and buy the Lee 30 M1 FCD and try it. I don't even have a barrel yet so it's no big deal to send off the die if that will solve the problem. Although, ATF cashed my check so I don't have too much longer... I hope. :eek:

02-14-2008, 09:33 PM
Have you ever done a real bone head move? :o I made up a couple dummy rounds. I couldn't get them to crimp in the Redding dies. Then today the light bulb came on. I had two cases where my cutter slipped and they were too short. Those were the ones I used for the dummy(refers to me as well) rounds. My Redding dies crimp great with the right length of case! :o

I guess everyone is entitled to be a dumb (insert favorite noun) once in a while.

02-14-2008, 11:46 PM
What length do you trim your cases to?

right @ 1.40 on the case length on the new brass. but after the 1st fire they are about 3-4 thousanths shorter after the form-fire
my seater Die crimps and I just raise the Die just a tad bit higher so it will not.

02-15-2008, 12:15 AM
Thats exactly what I thought was happening. Isn't the trim to length 1.355 and not 1.4"?

I still don't have my build finished, but I did load some ammo with 1.355" cases.

I realize that you can do it however you want, I thought the spec was 1.355.

02-15-2008, 02:45 AM
Now I have two seater dies that screwed down until they contact the shell holder don't apply any crimp.

I think redding works on cases trimmed to 1.4" not 1.355" .
If you trim to 1.4" the dies will crimp.

I bought 1000 cases from Keith Davis and they are all trimmed to 1.355 - so my cases not crimping and I panic-ed.

Simple fix is to file/grind down a case holder by 0.045" to compensate. It is definitely way cheaper than having to re made a new batch of cases (and dump the short ones) or wasting money on different sets of dies.

After all, this are the fun part of having wildcat caliber.. you improvise :grin:

02-15-2008, 11:41 AM
What length do you trim your cases to?



Sierra lists the trim length as 1.360". My Redding dies are crimping those and screwed down tight will put too much crimp on them. Just thought I'd let you know. The ones that didn't crimp were 1.350 and 1.330. A couple of Ooops cases I messed up and forgot about. You can call Redding as they were going to shorten my dies if I wanted to send them in. They were very helpful and I had to call them back and admit my dumb mistake. :o