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View Full Version : Alternate parent brass for Whisper in T/C Contender

01-09-2008, 12:32 AM
For those getting a Whisper chambered Contender (sorry, autoloaders), would it be possible to use .360 Dan Wesson brass and neck the case down with a simple pass thru a full-length sizing die? Seems like that would be simpler and easier than expanding the Fireball neck out. Having a rim on the case shouldn't matter in a Contender, should it? What about .223 brass cut to the right length and done that way?

01-09-2008, 09:47 PM
Since you mentioned necking up the Fireball case I assume you mean 300 whisper and if so 223 brass is just about all I have shot in the Contender. Push the shoulder back on a 223 case using 300/221 die and then cut to length.