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View Full Version : Has anyone tried WC820 powder?

10-28-2007, 01:48 PM
I found several sources saying WC820 surplus powder has similar burning rate as AA#9, has anyone tried this powder?

10-28-2007, 06:00 PM
That is all I use

I bought an 8 pound keg and that will last me some time.

I use 9.5 grains pushing a 220 gr SMK.

11-17-2007, 02:32 AM
I have many kegs of this, but I have done limited testing with it in the Whisper. It seems a bit hotter than H110. I was told to use H110 data for it, but I had to back off to about 18.8 grains in a 16" Noveske AR ported with a .065" gas hole and 125 grain TNT's. I was blowing primers above 19 grains. I'll back off some more next go around. I was just used to 20 grains of H110. I planned on using this powder for full auto in my 12" using 147 FMJ because it would be cheap blasting. I think I paid $69/ 8 lb keg, so what the hell, why not? I have only tried one of the two lots I have. I will chrony it next time. The jack rabbits were exploding good. The stuff Hi-Tech is currently selling is new production powder, not pull down.