12-14-2004, 07:04 PM
My Projects - PLAN TO BUILD
Note: This is no longer current but I am leaving this here as an example of ways you can build 922(r) compliant guns with sources for the parts and costs....
1. PMKMS Kit as an Undefolder PMKMS
2. AMD 65 as a Rifle
3. AMD 65 as a Pistol
Parts Kits on Hand
ONE select grade PMKMS Kits
Two V-Good AMD-65 Kits
SIX PARTS I PLAN TO REPLACE: AMD-65 pistol configured as a rifle
(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as Pistol on 4473 and State form)
(2) Muzzle attachments [my source not posted as I am pissed at company... Tapco has them however! (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0668&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0663&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(4) Triggers Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0650&variation=&b ack=yes) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND
Note: I am going to build this AMD-65 as a pistol initially. After the initial build and test fire I will then silver solder the extended muzzle brake and attach the stock. This way I can later change my mind and use this as a pistol again by removing the stock and extended flash hider as this would have been a pistol before it was configured as a rifle. I am not clear if 922(r) compliance parts are really needed as this would still be a pistol but given that I have already bought them I will use them as opposed to later trying to explane that my AMD-65 configured as a rifle is really a pistol :roll:
(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as a rifle)
(2) Pistol Grip Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=ZAK0650D&variation= &back=yes) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons (above) On HAND
(4) Triggers (above) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND
AMD-65 as pistol
NO COMPLIANCE PARTS NEEDED! OOW Receiver on hand registered as pistol receiver on 4473 and PA "White" form for State Police.
Note: This is no longer current but I am leaving this here as an example of ways you can build 922(r) compliant guns with sources for the parts and costs....
1. PMKMS Kit as an Undefolder PMKMS
2. AMD 65 as a Rifle
3. AMD 65 as a Pistol
Parts Kits on Hand
ONE select grade PMKMS Kits
Two V-Good AMD-65 Kits
SIX PARTS I PLAN TO REPLACE: AMD-65 pistol configured as a rifle
(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as Pistol on 4473 and State form)
(2) Muzzle attachments [my source not posted as I am pissed at company... Tapco has them however! (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0668&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0663&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(4) Triggers Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0650&variation=&b ack=yes) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND
Note: I am going to build this AMD-65 as a pistol initially. After the initial build and test fire I will then silver solder the extended muzzle brake and attach the stock. This way I can later change my mind and use this as a pistol again by removing the stock and extended flash hider as this would have been a pistol before it was configured as a rifle. I am not clear if 922(r) compliance parts are really needed as this would still be a pistol but given that I have already bought them I will use them as opposed to later trying to explane that my AMD-65 configured as a rifle is really a pistol :roll:
(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as a rifle)
(2) Pistol Grip Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=ZAK0650D&variation= &back=yes) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons (above) On HAND
(4) Triggers (above) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND
AMD-65 as pistol
NO COMPLIANCE PARTS NEEDED! OOW Receiver on hand registered as pistol receiver on 4473 and PA "White" form for State Police.