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12-14-2004, 07:04 PM
My Projects - PLAN TO BUILD

Note: This is no longer current but I am leaving this here as an example of ways you can build 922(r) compliant guns with sources for the parts and costs....

1. PMKMS Kit as an Undefolder PMKMS
2. AMD 65 as a Rifle
3. AMD 65 as a Pistol

Parts Kits on Hand
ONE select grade PMKMS Kits
Two V-Good AMD-65 Kits

SIX PARTS I PLAN TO REPLACE: AMD-65 pistol configured as a rifle
(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as Pistol on 4473 and State form)
(2) Muzzle attachments [my source not posted as I am pissed at company... Tapco has them however! (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0668&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0663&back=yes&dep t=39&last=39) On HAND
(4) Triggers Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=AK0650&variation=&b ack=yes) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND

Note: I am going to build this AMD-65 as a pistol initially. After the initial build and test fire I will then silver solder the extended muzzle brake and attach the stock. This way I can later change my mind and use this as a pistol again by removing the stock and extended flash hider as this would have been a pistol before it was configured as a rifle. I am not clear if 922(r) compliance parts are really needed as this would still be a pistol but given that I have already bought them I will use them as opposed to later trying to explane that my AMD-65 configured as a rifle is really a pistol :roll:


(1) Receiver (OOW) On HAND (Registered as a rifle)
(2) Pistol Grip Tapco (http://www.tapco.com/product_information.asp?number=ZAK0650D&variation= &back=yes) On HAND
(3) Gas pistons (above) On HAND
(4) Triggers (above) On HAND
(5) Hammers (above) On HAND
(6) Disconnectors (above) On HAND

AMD-65 as pistol

NO COMPLIANCE PARTS NEEDED! OOW Receiver on hand registered as pistol receiver on 4473 and PA "White" form for State Police.

12-14-2004, 07:06 PM
Building an AMD-65 kit as a pistol:

Well, I have not updated this thread in several weeks and I have managed to do a considerable amount of work with the AMD-65 kits and I will try to share some of what I have learned here....

The Kits

I managed to purchase three AMD-65 parts kits from Tapco. Two of the kits were exceptionally nice kits that looked like the rifles were never used while the third kit was quite an ugly well used and well caried model. Following are some of the features of these kits:

Side Folding stock for Tank Crew Use
Durable Military issue Milled steel parts, no cheap cast commercial parts
Front and rear trunions are present and completely untouched/undamaged
Short 12.5" barrel w/muzzle brake
All matching numbers for an easy build-no headspaceing issues!
Durable chromelined mint bores
Imported Semi Auto fire control group
Ability to accept any standard stamped AK receiver
Ability to accept standard double stack AK mags
Most parts interchangeable with other AK variants

The Build Process

So far, I have finished one build and I have a second AMD-65 kit all drilled and tapped. Beyond these two kits I have also drilled and tapper the front and rear trunions of two other kits to help out another guy. I will post the details when I get a chance but time is always too short...

12-14-2004, 07:06 PM
Borrowed words of wisdom on building an AMD-65 on an OOW receiver...

From http://www.gunsnet.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=195622&highlight=fittin g+cover
Team AK-47.NET 02/04

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 327

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The narrow portion of the OOW top rails do not have an extremely sharp bend. The trunnion and stock tang will probably need to have the bottom edge of the slots filed for the receiver to fit properly. It doesn't take much, but it makes a world of difference.

To fit the parts to an OOW receiver:

First fit the triggerguard and selector stop.

Then use a couple of magazines to set the spacing for the trunnion. Use a few different types (metal and polymer) to get the best overall fit. The OOW receivers are a little long, so don't assume the front of the trunnion should be flush with the receiver. You will most likely have to trim or file a little bit.

Once you have the trunnion fitted, attach it with whatever you're using (rivets/screws/welding). After the trunnion is installed, press and headspace the barrel, then pin it. If your barrel is still in the trunnion, this is an easy step...

After the front is assembled, use the top cover to set the spacing for the stock tang (or rear block for a folder).

Don't cut the hole for the AMD-65 folder first. Consider driving the pivot pin for the stock out of the block. This will allow the block to fit into the receiver without bowing the sides out. Use the top cover to locate the position and mark your holes. With the holes located, use a couple of drill bits to hold the rear block in position while you cut the hole for the stock pivot block. Trim it close with a Dremel and finish up with a file.

Remove the drill bits, remove the block from the receiver, replace the pivot pin and peen it over. Slide the stock assembly back into the receiver, line up the holes, and check the fit. Then attach the rear block permanently. Fold the stock closed and file the back of the receiver flush with the rear block if needed.

Instead of using nuts, make a plate for the 4 triggerguard screws to thread into. It's easy to make and easy to tighten.

02-21-2005, 12:17 AM
Interesting.... I have a PMKMS underfolder screw build. Its together but just for fit. Built on a vulcan reciever so will take it back apart and heat treat the ejector and trigger and hammer pin holes then paint it and final assemble. parts count same as yours except the slant brake which is Global Trades and kept stock piston.

Also have an AMD-65 but waiting for Global Trades new 1mm reciever to be done. Already paid for two of them.