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View Full Version : FFL Information needed.

Groin Attack
07-08-2007, 12:33 PM
Hello guys,

I live in Central Florida and I am perusing my FFL.
I also plan on paying the SOT to obtain NFA ability.

Does anyone have a good source of information on getting the licenses, what you need to be approved and so on? Also, I haven't been able to find information on what procedures are used once you are licensed.

I have the basic information from various sites including this one and BATFE homepage, but thats about it.

Thanks guys!!


02-01-2008, 10:37 AM
RK Industries helped me, but I didn't go the SOT route.

I can't find a website, but I got them from SGN way back when and they've been around quite a while. I had to fight for mine, and they were invaluable with strategies to defeat neighborhood association bureaucrats, so I'd highly recommend them. I never would have gotten my license without their assistance.
