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View Full Version : Need HELP!!!!!

06-14-2007, 09:25 PM
Just received my Grizzly 7X12 lathe today and wanted to try it out on a Sten project I been building. After cleaning packing grease up for forever it was time to start. First thing I needed to do was swap out the chuck jaws for the external ones. That my Good Sir's is where my problem lies. I've been trying to get them to close centered and can't. The book says to open the jaws fully and retighten while applying pressure to the offending jaw. It's been over and hour and countless tries, but Na DA. Has someone encountered this before? I admitt it's been a few years since I've ran a lathe and not one quite so small but a lathe is a lethe is a lathe, right? :confused:

06-15-2007, 09:15 AM
I am new to lathes had the same problem, on my small lathe the jaws are numbered 1, 2, and 3. I looked at the threads on the chuck. Started where no thread installed 1 and engaged then turn to next slot until no thread and installed number 2 and so on. I am new to this so if I am wrong, I hope the experts take it easy on me. anyway it worked for me.

06-15-2007, 12:28 PM
You may be new to lathes but thats the sequence. If this does not work then look at the jaws it is possible they got numbered wrong.

If both sets are numbered take out the ones that worked fine, lay them alongside the ones that won't and this may tell you where the problem is. If the internal ones are numbered and external are not do the same.

Hope this helps..

06-15-2007, 07:44 PM
Thanks guy's, DON T you were right they were labled wrong. Compared them to the ones that worked and relabled them, all is good in my little world now.

06-18-2007, 09:43 AM
Glad I could be of help.. Nothin worse than gettin a new toy and now having it work like it is suppose too..

Enjoy the lathe..
