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View Full Version : 300 Whisper barrel for Savage, dies, and brass

05-23-2007, 07:14 PM

It's a SSS 17" varmint stainless small shank barrel with 1-8 twist rifling. Redding 2 die set, plus a third form and trim die. Included are the go-no go gauges and 80 twice fired brass formed from new Winny 223 brass, also I will include an assortment of 30 caliber bullets, 220gr, 150gr, and 125 grain. The barrel has 200 rounds down the tube ( I lost some brass outside when shooting) Everything is like new, and it shoots the 220gr SMK's light out!
Looking for $325 shipped to the lower 48

HHI 812
05-24-2007, 02:44 AM
What action did you have it on? Don't know a lot about Savages, if there are different models? Can you e-mail me at dennis.madriaga@gmail.com

05-24-2007, 05:39 AM
If you consider breaking up the package, I would consider taking the brass and bullets from you if the price was right.