View Full Version : Cleaning cosmo from an M9 sheath
02-03-2007, 06:03 PM
Forum newbie here, and I've just picked up a LanCay M9 from over on arfcom.
It's got plenty of cosmoline on the blade and inside the sheath, and I'm wondering about the best way to clean it out.
I usually use mineral spirits, then brake cleaner on milsurp gun parts, but I'm afraid it'll be too aggressive for the plastic and cloth.
Anybody has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!
02-04-2007, 12:29 PM
I just got four of those LanCay M9’s from Pinto on I too wanted to avoid harsh products like brake cleaner. I used something called “Goo Gone”. It is a spray gel that is great for removing sticky, gummy & greasy problems. You can find it at just about any big store (Wally World, Kmart, Target). I may have been a little over zealous on the cleaning project…
First I removed the webbing back strap and top strap assemblies. Those were immersed in hot soapy water and scrubbed with a plastic stiff bristle brush (gun cleaning “Tooth Brush“). Then rinsed with clean water, and allowed to air dry.
I sprayed the “Goo Gone” on the blades and scabbards (inside and out). After a 10 minute contact time I wiped the surfaces with clean cotton rag. The cosmoline and paint came right off. I cleaned them again with hot soapy water and a stiff bristle brush, and a long, small diameter bottle brush to get inside the scabbards. After rinsing in clean hot water, I dried the surfaces with a clean, dry cotton rag, and allowed them to sit over night.
The next morning I reassembled the scabbards. I then applied a light thin coat of Break-Free CLP to all metallic surfaces. I retuned the bayonets to their scabbards and called the task completed. Anyways, I hope this is of some help.
02-08-2007, 10:07 PM
Thanks - I'll give that a try!
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