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View Full Version : What gives with the spike in Australian M9s on EBAY?

01-18-2007, 02:15 PM
Did Australia suddenly replace their M9s or is it just by chance that there seems to be lore of these for sale at the moment?

Here are three on EBAY now all listed by different sellers...




01-18-2007, 04:15 PM
I think it's just a coincidence. All three sellers are in Australia and all of the bayonets have been used. I think people have seen them sell for decent money in the past and are taking advantage of opportunities when they arise to get them.

The second link provided above appears to be a black oxide blade.

01-23-2007, 10:46 AM
It looks like someone made two of the sellers offers they couldn't refuse and they ended their auctions early?

Did anyone here buy that 2nd knife? Is it the Black Oxide finish?

I would love to get some good pics for the site if possible.


01-24-2007, 03:06 PM
almost one year ago I bought one M9 Australian with the black oxide finish.
If someone is interested I'll take some pictures of it and I'll post them here.
P.S. Thanks to a forum member I was able to trade a Phrobis scabbard for a Buck (arrow) one, in good condition, to match the bayonet
P.P.S. For the pictures: the bayonet is in mint condition, but the previous owner used (probably once) the wire cutter, so there is a small sign on the blade...perhaps someone else have a better example, if not I'll post the pics without problems!!!!!

01-24-2007, 10:33 PM
You can see the Buck M9s I have photos of here:


I really would like to get clear pics of anything that I don't have!

I also don't have many pics of the various M9A1 and Phrobis INTL M9s if you have those where you are?

How is your collection going?

01-25-2007, 04:30 AM
as for the M9A1 I already posted pictures of three bayonets in my collection (green, tan and black) here:



so feel free to use the above pictures for the gallery or please tell me if you need more (or better) pics.
I'll try to post pictures of the Australian M9 in black oxide as soon as possible.
As for my M9's collection I haven't bought M9s lately (my last purchase was really many months ago!!!!).
Greetings from Italy!