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View Full Version : 10 Romanian Kits

12-06-2006, 11:46 PM
I just sprang for ten "missing parts" Romanian kits from Century Arms. They came in yesterday. $59 apiece. Most are missing handguards - lower, upper, or both. Some are missing recoil spring assemblies, dust covers, or rear sight block parts. The bores, on the other hand are really good. Since all the other parts can be obtainted fairly easily I'm pleased to be able to put the kits up for now, and build them in the years to come whenever I get the en-vie to build an AKM. This is an indescribable feeling of security. No matter what they do about imported guns I have mine and I always will.

12-07-2006, 11:15 AM
I really hope to finish some of my projects I have been working on for the past year or more so that I can take a few days or weeks to do some of my own builds...

I have a commection of "junk" PMKMS parts that I complied from people making mistakes (Holes drilled into the chamber, rear trunions cut off by the CHOP saw, etc) and I really want to build a AKMS Cut-A-Way out of it.

My problem is I have an AMD-65 that is built except for doing the rear stock and paint and a really nice PMKM that just needs the stock to be fitted a little more. Then, I have a Imbel Fal Carbine I want to assemble, and so much more!

The nice thing is I have the parts and while prices have been increasing and parts supply comes and goes it is always great to know that you have the parts sitting there waiting for life to stop long enough for me to get to spend some time with the tools!

01-05-2007, 01:41 AM
My-Rifle - I went to the Century Arms site and I didn't see these kits you were talking about - sounds like a great deal for a builder - do you have a link ? Or did you get a better deal because you bought in quantity ?


06-07-2007, 04:43 PM
My-Rifle - I went to the Century Arms site and I didn't see these kits you were talking about - sounds like a great deal for a builder - do you have a link ? Or did you get a better deal because you bought in quantity ?


Oh dear. I missed this question. Sorry about that. The missing parts kits were there until March, then disappeared for good. I got a small discount for quantity, but not that big. They also has "missing parts" RPK kits, and I stocked up on both types of kits. It's a bit mystifying that you didn't see the kits when you went to their site. One possibility is that they have my C&R FFL on file, and I get discounts and such when I go there. Maybe they only showed those kits to dealers?

I think the best deal now on AKM kits is either JG Sales, Copes, or Classic Arms. Buy them while you can, boys. The Tantal is a good deal right now too. Ammo is cheap for the moment, and you can stockpile it. Century has it for $120 per can of 1080 rounds. I'm buying up every can I can fit in my budget.